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I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all prospective pupils of Gorsey Bank Primary School and their parents/carers.
If you do choose us, I promise that we will work as hard as we can, in partnership with you, to attain the very highest standards of education and welfare for your child. If we can be of any further help, please do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected].
Joe Maguire, Head of School

Applications for a Reception Place

Admission arrangements for Reception children are coordinated by Cheshire East Local Education Authority and applications for admission are normally considered in relation to the availability of places in the child’s chronological age group, other than in exceptional circumstances. Our Academy Trust is responsible for making decisions on these applications before Cheshire East coordinates the allocation of places.

As required by law, Cheshire East Council makes arrangements for parents and carers to express their preference for the school where they wish their child to be educated and provide an opportunity to give reasons for their preference before any places are offered.

All parents and carers applying for a Cheshire East Authority school place for Reception starting in September will be asked to make their application on their Council’s ‘Home’ Local Authority Application Form.

For closing date details and further information on applying for Reception places please visit:  We strongly advise that all parents and carers take note of the closing date as late applications are processed after all on-time applications and may be disadvantaged.

Admissions deadline for the academic year 2025/26: January 2025 (date TBC).

After this date, should you wish to appeal an offer, the timeline for doing so can be found here: School applications timetable (


In Year Applications

Applications for school places in Years 1 – 6 are known as ‘In Year Applications’ and should be made using the Cheshire East Application Form.  Parents and Carers should contact the school to arrange a school tour and/or a taster session for their child if required.  The in year admissions process is coordinated by the Local Authority on behalf of the school. Click on this link for more information.

Parents and Carers are permitted to make an ‘in year application’ six weeks prior to their child starting at the school.  Once a place has been allocated, this must be taken up within 20 school days.

Parents are strongly discouraged from moving between Wilmslow schools. If they do this, we require parents to understand that if they have faced problems at another school, they may not necessarily disappear at Gorsey Bank.  In all cases we would expect a discussion to have taken place with the current school’s Head Teacher before requesting a move to Gorsey Bank.


Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t live in Gorsey Bank’s catchment area. Can I still apply?

Yes. You should apply for schools you would like your child to attend. The option to select up to three schools is to give parents/carers choice. If Gorsey Bank is your preferred school then select it as first choice. However it is recommended that you use all your preferences and one of those preferences is your catchment or nearest school. This is, in the event of the school being oversubscribed, there may be more applicants who rank higher up on the oversubscription criteria.

I don’t live in Cheshire East. Can I still apply?

You apply using the application system of the Local Authority in which you reside. However you can include a different Local Authority’s school (for example Gorsey Bank) in your list of preferences and your application will be sent to the admissions team at Cheshire East as part of the national co-ordinated admissions scheme.

Gorsey Bank is my preferred school but I don’t think I will get a place due to where I live. Should I still apply?

Yes. We recommend that you select Gorsey Bank as your first choice, but you also select other schools – you can select up to three preferences. The preference system is for parents to express a preference for a school. The higher the preference, the better your chance of being offered a place at the school. The coordinated admissions system works to try to meet parent/carer preferences whilst adhering to the admissions criteria of each school.

How does the admissions criteria work?

The school has 60 Reception places. If more than 60 applicants are received, priority will be given to children in accordance with the oversubscription policy which can be found in the Admissions Policy below.

I am reliant on wraparound care for my Reception child. Will my child be offered a place?

We are expanding our Kids Club provision for 2024/25 to ensure that places will be available for new Reception parents. Once we know who our Reception cohort are in April 2024 we will be in touch to ask for your requests. Breakfast Club runs from 7.30am and After School Club runs until 6pm. 


Admission appeals form


2024/25 Admissions Policy


Timescale of school admission appeals


2025/26 Admissions Policy