Rights Respecting
Rights Respecting School
In Partnership with UNICEF
At Gorsey Bank Primary School, we are committed to the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
Our aim is to ensure that the Convention on the Rights of the Child, along with the values of dignity, justice and respect (curriculum driver), underpin all that we do at Gorsey Bank Primary School. We aim for our children to be passionate advocates for the rights of other children, whilst understanding that all adults are duty bearers and are duty-bound to help all children enjoy their rights. We believe that our children are the innovators and change-makers of our society; our investment in them is of upmost importance!
In February 2019, Gorsey Bank Primary School was awarded Bronze: Rights Committed status and in January 2020, we received Silver: Rights Aware status, in order to eventually become a Gold: Rights Respecting School.
Our Pupil Parliament, consists of children across the school, each of these committees is designed to drive forward change in our school, support the local community, and raise awareness on global issues and the sustainable goals. The committee groups concentrate on one of the articles from the convention, which has developed our whole school charter.
The committees provide a key link between the children, teachers, and senior leaders within our school, along with the wider community, in order to take a lead in developing and delivering the school’s rights respecting action plan.
Pupil Parliament 2019/2020 Events
Whole school voting for Pupil Parliament candidates.
Pupil Parliament Week campaigning for:
- The Treasury (School Charities):
- Whole school vote on local charity to support for 2019-21
- Visit to Ronald McDonald House
- Choir visit to Ronald McDonald House for Christmas carol singing.
- The Home Office:
- Termly House Captain Elections
- House Captions involved in events and assemblies – including a Christmas quiz.
- Ministry of Justice (RRSA Steering Group):
- Outright 2019: World Children’s Day Campaign called on decision makers to support efforts to end preventable child deaths.
- School environment audit for supporting rights.
- Deliver an assembly about using the language of rights to support rights
- Celebrated the success of our journey in becoming Rights Respecting with Martin Russel (UNICEF RRSA Assessor)
- Celebrated receiving Silver with the school community
- Department for Education:
- Event: World Book Day
- Author Visits: Joe can you remember who the visitors were?
- Book Quiz
- Introduction of book reviews
- Choosing and ordering new books for the library
- Department for Environment:
- Gorsey Commons Big Debate and bill passed: Community litter picking
- Every class litter picked at various litter hotspots around Wilmslow.
- Department for Digital Culture
- Arts Council
- Planning and delivering whole school remote learning Dance lesson.
- Pupil Parliament school trip to London Houses of Parliament
Pupil Parliament 2020/2021 Events
Whole school voting for Pupil Parliament.
Each Pupil Parliament Committee to vote for one member to form a Cabinet Committee.
Pupil Parliament week campaigning.
Interview with local MP Esther McVey.
- The Treasury (School charities)
- Christmas Fancy Dress Day raising money for Ronald McDonald House
- Book donations given to Ronald McDonald House
- Dress Down Day raising money for Ronald McDonald
- The Home Office
- Termly House Captain Elections
- House Captions involved in events and assemblies – including a Christmas quiz.
- Ministry of Justice (RRSA Steering Group)
- Outright 2020 – Whole School Climate Change Campaign
- Show Racism the Red Card Campaign – all children wore red to show their commitment to end racial discrimination
- Posted pupils’ letters to COP26 President prior to the climate summit in Glasgow, November 2021.
- Children gave feedback on the School Development focuses for 21-23 and feedback was shared in the Leadership Meeting.
- KS2 PSHE Assembly for Pride Month – celebrating our right to an identity and promote belonging, inclusion, equality and respect for our diverse community
- Department for Education
- Event: Gorsey Reading Challenge
- Author visits (online): Floella Benjamin, Micheal Morpurgo, Robin Stevens, Draw with Rob,
- National Story Telling Week
- Birthday Book Donations
- Event: World Book Day
- Reading is Magic Week whole school activities
- Event: Harry Potter Reading and Crafts Evening
- Department for Environment
- Ordered new bins to reduce litter
- Carried out regular litter picking around school
- Maintained gardens and allotment
- Department for Sport
- Gorsey Commons Big Debate and Bill passed – A special sports afternoon once a month to introduce new sports which aren’t usually taught in school.
- New sports introduced were: archery, fencing, boxing and scooter trail.
- Choose designated playground areas for different games.
- Event: Change 4 Life Week
- Department for Health and Care
- Posters designed to promote the health benefits of drinking water and eating a healthy snack at breaktime.
- Arts Council
- Support for Class Bubble Christmas Assemblies (Video for parents)
- Preparation and plans for school performances – 21/22
- Department for Digital Culture
- E-Cadets planned an e-safety lesson to support children to be safe on the internet whilst learning from home.
Our Article of the week and the teaching of rights is communicated via our parent/carer newsletter and twitter feed. Please take time to talk with your children at home about the Convention on the Rights of the Child and what it means to be ‘rights respecting’.
Every term each class focuses on a number of articles which link to their termly theme and selection of books on the bookshelf. This has formed class charters which children will refer to when discussing their theme, characters in books and reflection on their own rights and rights of others globally. This ensures a progression of learning about the articles in depth and in an age-appropriate way. We believe that our pupils are more sensitive and empathetic towards others, through the learning about children’s rights.
Lockdown presented some unique challenges with a lot of uncertainty in the wider landscape. During our online daily learning, we prioritised six articles which relate to safeguarding, pupil voice, health, wellbeing, safety, play, learning and education. Children’s rights are indivisible and by highlighting these articles staff were empowered to use the convention in our wider recovery curriculum planning during lockdown, and when returning to school.
During lockdown
- Daily Maths, English and foundation subjects
- Small group Teams Recovery Curriculum sessions
- Daily whole class reading (Reading For Pleasure)
- Celebrated pupils’ writing and gave weekly feedback
- Weekly PSHE lessons using the UNICEF Article of the Week resources
- Weekly Teams Whole School Assemblies (RRSA focus)
- Celebration of International Days (E-safety Week, Fair Trade Fortnight, Mental Health Awareness Week)
- Daily PE and independent reading
- Wellbeing Menus
- World Book Day Fancy Dress on Teams
Returning to school
- Class bubbles
- Regular handwashing and promotion of good hygiene
- Weekly PSHE lesson (Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Unit)
- Weekly class PSHE Assembly – Recovery Curriculum and response to individual class needs
- Weekly whole school assembly – RRSA focus
- Wellbeing interventions
- Mindfulness breaks between transitions
- Inflatables Treat Day
- Harry Potter Reading and crafts Evening
- Y6 Adventure Trail
- Y6 Residential
- Change 4 Life Week (Focus on physical and mental health)