PTA / Parent Council



Gorsey Bank has a very active PTA and our key objectives are:

  1. Fundraising
  2. Organising social events


What does the PTA do?

As a registered charity, the main role of the PTA is to raise funds for the school, and during the last first 7 years we have raised in excess of £70k.  The PTA has committed to financially support some aspects of school life on an ongoing basis but we also raise funds for things which are critical to the schools ongoing success but cannot be funded out of the school budget.  As in most schools, the majority of our funds are raised through the events that we run.


So where does your money go?

  • Refurbishment of the school library
  • An annual budget for school library books
  • Technology for the children and teachers
  • Outdoor play equipment
  • ‘Icing on the cake’ extras that our children love such as treats for the infants Christmas party and Year 6 leaving gifts.PTA MeetingsWe are always looking to welcome new faces to our meetings, whether you want to just listen, voice an opinion, put forward an idea or offer to help out in some way with the events we put on.  Whatever time or support you can give the PTA will greatly benefit Gorsey Bank. Meeting dates are posted on the school calender.
Get involved…

  • Please support the events that are held during the year.  There are lots of events held during the year, some for children, some for parents and some for the whole family.  Please come along, help raise funds for the school and meet some new people.
  • Give a little time. There are always lots of things to do in the PTA – whether it’s spending 20 minutes when you’ve dropped your children off at school selling tickets for the school disco or manning the bar at the Christmas fair!
  • Come along to the PTA Meetings. – They are fun, informative and held at different times of the day both in and out of school so that as many people as possible can attend.The PTA Committee can be contacted via:
  • The POP box (located in the main entrance)
  • In the playground!
  • [email protected]
  • On Twitter @GorseyPTA


The Parent Council

The Parent Council was formed in Sept 2007 and is now a well-established group that provides a vital link between parents and the school.

The objectives of the Parent Council are:

  • To promote partnership between the school, its pupils and its parents
  • To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of pupils
  • To identify and represent the views of parents on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupilsThe Parent Council comprises a Parent Rep from each class who attends a half termly meeting with the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher. At each meeting each Parent Rep shares any feedback they have received from parents in their class.Parent reps can be contacted by email and their addresses are circulated prior to each meeting in the Friday Issue.The minutes of each meeting are emailed to all members of the school community.Please note that no action will be taken as a result of a comment from one parent and that in such circumstances, comments would be followed up, if necessary, on an individual basis. In some instances, it would be more appropriate for parents to raise issues with their Class Teacher rather than with their Parent Councillor.